I used to donate to Amnesty International, but I'd pay to shut their doors, today. Amnesty has promoted legalized sex tourism in developing countries, allegedly to "help" poor women. As prostitution survivor Rachel Moran once said "When a woman is poor, the humane thing to do is put food in her mouth, not your dick."

Amnesty consulted with Alejandra Gil, who was convicted of sex trafficking in Mexico ,

and with Douglas Fox, a pimp and brothel owner from the UK, to determine that decriminalized pimping and sex buying would be "beneficial" to poor women and kids. (https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2015/oct/22/pimp-amnesty-prostitution-policy-sex-trade-decriminalise-brothel-keepers) (chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/https://digitalcommons.uri.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1134&context=dignity).

It should be zero surprise to every thinking person that sex buying increases in every country where it's decriminalized, and because willing "supply" can never meet "demand" this provides great incentives for sex traffickers to operate in those countries (explain to me how sex trafficking can exist without sex buyers - like I'm a six year old).

Human Rights Watch has taken the same depraved and misogynistic stance as Amnesty, along with UNAids who view trafficked women and kids as little more than disease carrying mosquitoes. The UN's justification for legalized sex buying is that it's easier to inspect legalized brothels to ensure they are using condoms (yet it is clearly impossible to ensure a sex buyer doesn't discard the free condom before penetrating his purchase). It hasn't occurred to the UN that a better way to stop the spread of AIDS, and protect the health and safety of exploited women and children, would be to crack down on sex buying and shut the brothels down - but UNAIDS doesn't want to be a cock-blocker. None of this is surprising since most UN member nations treat women like livestock.

It's also no surprise that these "humanitarian" NGO's justified or ignored the mass rape of Israeli women on 10/7.

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Wow. I had no idea about how these orgs were involved in sex trafficking, which I do know is of the gravest, most widespread global human rights violations of our time. Thanks for the info.

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A major issue with big NGO's like Amnesty and HRW is that although they are constantly demanding accountability from others, there is no mechanism for holding them accountable themselves. If one of their statements or reports turns out to be wrong, what are their responsibilities? As far as I know, none. What checks and balances or other procedures do they have to make sure they are not biased? I believe they don't have any.

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Yes. 100%. And that also includes their financial management. Like what are all of their donations really going to?

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