Am yisraell chai, Jill.

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I live in a rural red state. My small city has two synagogues. I don’t see any of us hanging out our Israel flags or wearing Am Israel chai teeshirts. I haven’t noticed any more Magen David necklaces in public. I want to hang my flag. I wear my necklace and my teeshirt. My Jewish home library is extensive. I converted fifty years ago at UTAustin Hilllel. I wish I had made aliyah back then. This site is the only place I feel we speak our hearts about what is happening in Israel and the US. I treasure what read here from you.

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Since 10/7 just as in the Book of Esther we have seen a real rethinking of priorities by many within the Jewish community who previously thought they were tolerated by the so called progressive world despite their support of Israel and now are exploring traditional Judaism Jewish continuity and Jewish sources far more deeply in their lives

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Well, it didn't kill us (as a people), so...

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