Piers Morgan Has Milked the Israel-Hamas War Like a Cow for Ratings!
He's now the Springer of political talk shows
Piers Morgan’s current show “Piers Morgan Uncensored” is the fastest growing channel on YouTube. You have to hand it to him, Piers knows how to draw a large audience. His show involves so much fighting and yelling that it can now be characterized as the Springer of political talk shows. It’s mostly there to entertain, not to inform. But whatever—I have fond memories of watching Springer (Z’’L) with my friends after school as teenagers. The trick was to watch before your parents got home so they didn’t catch the TV on while one of Springer’s half-naked guests threw a chair at her boyfriend after the boyfriend admitted to knocking up her sister.
Every time the Piers Morgan Uncensored channel posts a new video, it has tens of thousands of views within minutes. The most popular episodes featuring multiple guests center around the Israel-Hamas War, however the current top 3 videos by viewership are as follows: 1) Interview with Bassem Youssef (22 million views); 2) Interview with the “real” Baby Reindeer (16 million views); and 3) Andrew Tate (15 million views). You’ll notice these are all episodes not with multiple people to discuss an issue, but rather with a singular controversial figure. Some of the guests on his show really shouldn’t be offered a platform to at all (i.e. Andrew Tate).
For the episodes on controversial issues—the vast majority lately being the Israel-Hamas War, with occasional pauses for the Diddy case and the 2024 presidential election—Piers fancies himself as a “fair and balanced“ moderator because he always has people from opposing sides on the show for what he calls “debates.” The problem is that just because someone is on a particular side of an issue doesn’t mean they are qualified to speak on it to a large audience, so it’s no wonder why most of these gatherings of minds just dissolve into yelling. Piers’s M.O. is to get the most controversial figures on his show who agree to do it (i.e. lots of podcast hosts with large followings), and many of them just return as rotating reoccurring characters.
This recent episode of his show encapsulates everything wrong with the way Piers chooses to present the Israel-Hamas War to his viewers:
First, Piers gives Francesca Albanese her own half hour to spew garbage in her capacity as a toxic mouthpiece for the UN. That’s 30 minutes of our lives we will never get back. I knew this woman was bad news, but after my first time hearing her speak on her own, I can say confidently that she’s way worse than I originally thought. Here’s the most telling exchange (I’m paraphrasing):
Piers: Do you admit that Hamas committed rape and beheaded babies on October 7th?
Albanese: Ummm…errr…I refuse to comment on something I haven’t investigated. *proceeds to accuse Israel of genocide, apartheid, and war crimes*
That leaves only the back end of the show for four guests to “debate” the current state of the war. Only one of them, Jonathan Conricus, lives in the Middle East and literally has had his own boots on the ground in Gaza and Lebanon. Had it not been for Conricus’s presence, I would have thrown my device out of a window. Unfortunately, his voice gets drowned out by 3 psychopaths: Alan Doucheowitz, and two anti-Israel morons I won’t even bother naming because they both add nothing of value to the conversation. In short, the majority who dominated the show did so without the credentials or background to speak intelligently on the issue.
I resent Piers for milking the Israel-Hamas War for ratings the way he does because he’s using our pain for his profit during a time when every media organization is obsessively focused on Jews. If individuals like Conricus did not willingly agree to go on the show repeatedly to face abuse from the severely misguided whom Piers invites on to “balance” him, no one would be countering the misinformation. I’m not saying it’s wrong to have people engage in a debate with Conricus. However, one should meet some basic criteria before being invited to do it on a program that millions will view.
So with all of that said, I’ll be watching the next episode of “Piers Morgan Uncensored” as soon as I get home from work. Since I am well past the teenage years of my prime Springer-watching days, I will be watching from the comfort of my own home, with no need to hide it from any authority figures. I’ll take a shot every time Piers asks his guests if they “condemn Hamas.”
Well folks, that concludes today’s episode of “The Liberal Jew.” Take care of yourselves, and each other.
Francesca Albanese is utterly appalling
I’m glad someone finally said it! Thank you, Jill! 👏👏👏 Piers Morgan is NOT a good faith actor! He doesn’t care about any of the people on either side who have lost their lives, family, friends, neighbors, pets, homes, etc. he just wants to make bank! 🏦 He is a slightly classier version of Jerry Springer essentially. That’s an apt comparison for sure! His show doesn’t lead to constructive dialogue or helping viewers gain a better understanding of the war or the conflict it’s all about the juicy drama. Also, why doesn’t he bring on people who are actually experts on the topic like historians, scholars, military strategists, intellectuals, etc. Why do I care what some random YouTuber or Andrew Tate thinks about the war? Call me crazy but I don’t turn on my computer and go to Pier’s channel because I’m dying to know what Cenk Uygur thinks about Gaza. Nor do I wake up every morning wondering what Owen Jones’ take on the IDF’s latest military campaign is. Also, these debates need to be structured, with time limits, set topics agreed to by both sides, civility and politeness maintained, no interruptions allowed, and both individuals must be qualified to participate. For instance, I’d love to see Noa Tishby and Daniel Gordis debate Norman Finkelstein and Shlomo Sand. Benny Morris facing off with Rashid Khalidi would be fascinating as well. How about Ilan Pappe squaring off with Einat Wilf? Now those would be real interesting debates! Sadly, I don’t think will ever get to see something like that.